Bionic Buffalo Tech Note #20: Quick Start Guide to Writing CORBA Client Applications
of a sequence of operations and “undoing” operations already completed.
The above facilities go beyond simple service additions to CORBA, in that they may directly affect the
way other CORBA application programming is done. In other words, they do not simply add new APIs
to an implementation, but they affect and alter the behaviour of existing APIs.
Almost all of the procedures described in this Tech Note are governed by stable, mature OMG
specifications. Nevertheless, minor updates to those specifications are made from time to time.
Therefore, while the document numbers in the list below may not be for the most current versions, any
newer versions probably will not be greatly different from the versions listed.
OMG, Common Object Request Broker Architecture: Core Specification, document formal/04-03-
01. This is the primary document for CORBA 3.x. In addition to the fundamental mechanisms, it
also describes the following facilities mentioned above: the interface repository, object URLs,
object identifiers, messaging, and fault tolerance.
OMG, Naming Service, document formal/04-10-03.
OMG, Trading Object Service, document formal/00-06-27.
OMG, Object Transaction Service, document formal/03-09-02.
For any of the various language mapping specifications, consult the OMG web site, at There is no official specification for the Perl mapping; for that, refer to
Bionic Buffalo Corporation, Tibet OMG IDL to Perl Mapping Specification, 18 January 2005.
(Changed greatly from earlier draft versions.)
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