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Tech Note #36: Introduction to the Alarm Clock Protocol (ACP)
1998 Bionic Buffalo Corporation; All Rights Reserved.
                  12 June 1998
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This section lists the services available from a server, which supports the Alarm Clock Protocol.
Alarm Periodic
The server sends a sequence of messages to the client at fixed intervals.
Alarm Single
The server sends a message to the client after a specified delay or at a specified time.
The message may contain a data field optionally provided by the client at the time of the
request. This function may be used to provide timeouts for processes which anticipate
being blocked during message read operations.
The server cancels the specified request.
The server provides a specific address or port for a connection. As with other requests,
connections expire after the stated interval and must be renewed before expiration.
If there is no connection, then the server operates in connectionless (datagram) mode.
The server terminates the connection.
Event Define
The server returns a handle for a new event. An event may be singular (occurring not
more than once) or recurring (occurring zero or more times).
Event Subscribe
Requests that a message be sent when an event is triggered. The client provides the
event handle as part of the request. If the event has not been triggered at the time it’s
lifetime expires, then the server optionally will send an expiration notice to subscribers.
Event Trigger
The server notifies subscribers that an event has occurred.